Weekends with Tracy

Sundays 4-8 pm

I believe that God uses Christian radio in a powerful way.

I am honored to be part of The Family team and pray that God will bless your family and the entire Wisconsin community.

I’m married to my high school sweetheart Dustin. We have two wonderful teenage girls – Abigail and Liz. Our dogs keep us busy! Daisy is a Bichon Frise and Millie is an English Cocker Spaniel.

Weekends with Donna

Saturdays 3-7 pm, Sundays 12-4 pm

Do you ever wonder what people are saying about you when you’re not around? For me, I hope “they” use the word PASSIONATE. It’s the way I love to live. I’m married to a terrific guy, Don. Yes… we are Don and Donna. We always joke that we did it on purpose to make it easy for new friends to remember us! We’ve both raised our own children and in 2010 life got REAL and we are raising two others now.

Years ago I was fortunate enough to meet a handful of like-minded friends and was able to start a homeless ministry serving a tent city. When the two little ones came along that season of life was over, but it gave me tremendous insight on the plight of the homeless and mentally ill. I didn’t really know Jesus until I was an adult and I wouldn’t know what to do without Him now! I love His grace and mercy and the fact that He is not only a God of second chances, but next chances. If we haven’t met yet, please reach out!

Weekends with John

Weekends 10 pm to midnight

I love being a part of The Biggest Family Room in Wisconsin and am so grateful I get to spend weekend evenings with you! I was born in Wisconsin, but my family moved to The Gambia, a small country in West Africa, when I was 1. I was blessed to spend 6 years of childhood in Africa climbing and falling out of trees, avoiding crazy snakes and bugs, and learning about God’s love. From the time I was young, I knew that I wanted to spend my life telling others about how amazing Jesus is. I spent hours in my room as a child building Legos and listening to Christian music.

In high school I randomly took a broadcasting production class and thought it would be an easy credit to help me graduate. Little did I know God would use that class to ignite a passion for radio and broadcasting! I went to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and developed an even deeper love for Christ.

I met my wife in the student dining room while we were both students. We got married in December of 2020 and have enjoyed several amazing years together. During my time at Moody, I had the honor of interning with Moody Radio and Focus on the Family. I love hiking, biking, and drinking fancy (snobby) coffee and espresso in my free time. I enjoy connecting with listeners across Wisconsin and learning about their “right song at the right time” moment. Thanks for spending your Sunday evenings with me.

Evenings with Lynn

Weekdays 6 pm – midnight, Saturdays 7-10 pm

My journey to The Family was a long and arduous trek… nah, just kidding! I came to the Family after years of praying for an opportunity to find a way I could use the gifts and talents He had given me. I had enlisted the “help” of a dear friend and strong prayer warrior named Karen. She prayed for me for years. One day Karen contacted me and shared that The Family was looking for an on-air talent.

With no real radio experience, I thanked her, but declined. She insisted that I at least apply, reminding me that I had asked her for prayer, that she had been praying continuously for years, and now the Holy Spirit was nudging her to nudge me! You can’t ignore the Holy Spirit. As Josh Wilson sings… that was then (I applied for the on-air position, interviewed over a period of about 3 months and was hired)… and this is now… I have over 10 years of on air-work, supporting the Family at community events and concerts and encouraging listeners with music and programming that points to the greatness of our God! My life verse is Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Afternoons with Paul

Weekdays 3-6 pm, Sundays 6-9 am

I love being on Afternoons with you! God had a plan for me. In 1971, in the basement of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oshkosh, I began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have never regretted it. I got the broadcasting bug in high school and before I knew it, graduated from college with a degree in Radio/TV Film. I grew up listening to The Family. In 1977, I was listening to the radio and thought “it can be better than this!” Well, God had a sense of humor by making my dreams of working in Christian radio a reality when I joined The Family in 1981.

Throughout the years I’ve held every job position and done every on-air shift – including a 13 hour shift one time. Whew! It’s been great to watch God mold and shape the station into what it is today. My wife Gloria & I met at Lake Lundgren Bible Camp when I was a counselor for a week during the summertime. She was working in the kitchen. There’s a lot to the story, but simply put, we got engaged at camp, married at camp and now our grandchildren go to the camp! So grateful for God using LLBC in our lives.

We’ve been married 42 years and it’s gone by way too fast. We’re blessed with 3 grown children, Danielle, Alicia & Zachariah. My life verse is 1st Thessalonians 4:11-12. “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” I’ve found the verse is sort of counter cultural. We are so busy these days and don’t really take much time to be quiet and mind our own business. It’s definitely something I work towards each day! Some of my favorite pastimes include fishing, biking and watching the waves at a lake.

Middays with Nicki

Weekdays 12-3 pm, Saturdays 12-3 pm

“Live simply, love abundantly. Be the special person God created you to be!”

I love being part of God’s work in your life through The Family! I try to live my life on and off the air with authenticity. Trying to be anything but who God created me to be is exhausting!

I gave my life to Jesus at 4 years old and began leading our church’s worship in third grade. I was an active part of worship teams until a few years ago when I started having vocal issues due to thyroid cancer. One of my vocal chords was damaged during surgery and I’m deeply thankful that even if I can’t hit those high notes anymore, I can still use my voice to sprinkle a little encouragement and hope into your Middays!

I try hard to celebrate the simple, small ordinary moments of life each day. It helps me remain focused on Jesus and all He has given me in this life!

Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite Bible verses, it reminds me that God is always working things out for His glory in my life, even in the hardest seasons. And I’ve gone through A LOT of hard seasons!

I love being outdoors in God’s beautiful creation, writing on my blog, doing graphic design, and spending time in the kitchen baking and drinking good coffee. Family board game nights, coffee with friends, Hallmark movie binges, reading, thrifting and boutique shopping are some of my faves too!

Fun(ny) fact: I once flunked out of a craft store crochet class. Did you know that was possible? Me neither!

Late Mornings with Doug

Late Mornings with Doug

Late Mornings with Doug

Weekdays 10 am -12 pm

Growing up an only child, the radio was my daily companion and little did I know that when I played radio in my room as a young boy, I would one day be on the radio for a career. Radio also connected me with my amazing wife, Sheryl, as she used to listen to a station I was on.  (I called her my ‘groupie’, but after 28 years of marriage – she just rolls her eyes & laughs!)

We have two children and one 2 year old (very spoiled) Shichon dog named Jack.

My favorite verse is Phil. 4:6-7 which in the Message reads “Don’t fret or worry.  Instead of worrying, pray.  Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.  Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.  It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”

Mornings with Jason

Weekdays 5:30-9 am, Saturdays 9 am to 12 pm

My motto: So goes your morning, so goes your day!! My hope is to start your day with God’s word, great music, and a little Dad humor to make you smile.

Born and raised in Northeastern Illinois, I’ve been doing radio since 1989. And yes… I’m a Chicago sports fan. Go Bears!

I’m married to my High School sweetheart (Jodi) and we have one son, Joshua who lives in Southeast Wisconsin with his wife Tamaira.

I was raised knowing Christ as my Savior, but started my “real” relationship with God in 1994 after He hit the reset button on life as I knew it. I truly believe God said, “You’ve done it your way long enough, now try it My way.” Since then it’s been amazing the way God has guided me in every aspect of life.

The Bible verse my wife and I both cling to is Philippians 4:13, “For I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

I enjoy disc golf, downhill skiing, all things outdoors, FOOD, and my happy place is Washington Island in Door County.

I live my life by 5 principal priorities: God, self, marriage, family, everything else. God is always first. God fills me so I can pour into my marriage. When my marriage is full, I can then pour into the rest of my family, as well as the friends I call family. Then comes literally everything else. With those principals in place, I have found when life happens, it allows me to better prioritize decisions and actions and hopefully honor God in the process. It’s a privilege and a blessing to be with you every day and pray God’s hand upon you always!