Win Tickets to Weekend to Remember

Six lucky winners will receive a pair of tickets to Family Life’s Weekend to Remember! ($350 value)

Contest runs February 7-13, 2025.

To enter the Weekend to Remember ticket giveaway:

  1. Text the keyword WIN to 833-968-7326.
  2. You will receive a text from The Family with a link to our contest form.
  3. Fill out the form to enter a pair of tickets ($350 value).
  4. Only 1 entry per person. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter and win.
  5. Winners will be contacted on 2/14. There are 6 pairs of tickets to give away!

See contest rules for further details.

Redeem tickets for any 2025 Weekend to Remember event nationwide, that still has tickets available.

Some Midwest dates include:

  • Madison – March 14-16, 2025- Madison Marriott West
  • Appleton – March 28-30, 2025 – Hilton Appleton Paper Valley
  • Chicago (Oak Brook) – April 4-6, 2025 – Hilton Chicago Oak Brook Hills Resort

Head to Family LIfe’s Weekend to Remember website for more details and locations.

4 Ways To Reflect On Work This Labor Day

What an honor it is to partner with Christ and serve others through the work that you do!

Martin Luther wrote: 

“The maid who sweeps her kitchen is doing the will of God just as much as the monk who prays – not because she may sing a Christian hymn as she sweeps but because God loves clean floors. The Christian shoemaker does his Christian duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.”

God uses work as an opportunity to refine you and bring Him glory. We want to encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the ways God is using you for His kingdom in your current season of life.

What a wonderful opportunity it is to co-labor with Christ!

  1. Your work matters to God. 
  2. Your work is a gift from God. 
  3. Your work glorifies God. 
  4. Your work is a blessing to others.

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 NLT

God is using your work to bring glory to His kingdom. 

Your work has an impact in the lives of many, each day! Thank you for all the hard work you do to serve your family, work place, church and community. 

Wishing you a safe and blessed Labor Day!

P.S. Even Jesus rested on the 7th day. You deserve to take a break too!

adventures in odyssey update

Adventures in Odyssey Update

Starting 7/15/24 – The program Adventures in Odyssey will no longer air on The Family. We want you to know it wasn’t an easy decision to make to remove Adventures in Odyssey from our programming lineup. However, we’ve been monitoring feedback and listener habits and realized that the time has come to accommodate the changing patterns in listening.  

The 7 PM hour on The Family is now all-music, and we hope that God uses the ‘right song at the right time’ to provide Hope, Strength & Encouragement in your life!

If you’d like to continue listening to Adventures in Odyssey, anytime of day, please visit the link below:

Help for the Homeless 2024 Recap

Over $604,000 worth of new hygiene and cleaning supplies now stock the shelves of 121 crisis programs in 20 communities across Wisconsin!

The Family Radio Network’s 32nd annual Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive celebrates another successful year!

Thank you to the 1,000+ businesses, churches, and schools who hosted collection boxes. And a special thanks to those who generously donated supplies to help their community.

Save the date: Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive is scheduled for February 23 through March 16, 2025.

Jesus prayed for you!

Human Standing Beside Crucifix Statue on Mountain

Did you know that you are a living, breathing answer to prayer?

You are a living, breathing answer to prayer.

The story of Easter – the death and resurrection of Jesus – may not be new to you, but isn’t it just like our God to use His Living Word to constantly teach you new things?

Did you know Jesus directly prayed for you?

In the book of John, chapter 17 describes in detail the prayer Jesus said to His heavenly Father just before He knew He would be arrested and sent to the cross. 

Jesus prayed and asked God for three things: 

1. Glory to the Son & the Father

Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. John 17:1-2

2. Protection & Unity for His Disciples

Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. John 17:11b

3. Belief for Future Generations

I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17:20b-21

How would you respond?

If you knew that soldiers were on their way and you would soon be sentenced to a gruesome and painful death, you’d be praying for your own safety, right?

Not, Jesus. Jesus, prayed for you!

You are the living, breathing future generation that Jesus tenderly prayed to God about.

As a believer, you are the disciple that Jesus fervently requests to know God’s love, protection, and unity.

You are who Jesus had in mind when He prayed this prayer:

 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.  John 17:24

Jesus asked God for you to be where He is and because of His sacrifice – you can be.

One day you will sit with the man, who is himself God, who chose to pray for you.

Will you join The Family in praying like Jesus? 

Pray that God is glorified.

Pray that we may be united as believers in our mission to win more souls for Christ.

Pray that everyone who doesn’t know God will come across the right friend, the right song and the right radio station that will point them to their loving Savior.

Over 3 tons of PB&J donated!

The 2023 PB&J Drive results are in…

The Family wrapped up it’s first annual PB&J Drive. Thanks to your generous support over 6,000 pounds of peanut butter and jelly was collected to help families in need!

Fun Facts

  • 6,000 pounds = 3 tons of peanut butter & jelly. That’s A LOT of sandwiches!
  • In fact, that’s enough to make over 88,000 PB&J sandwiches.
  • 88,000 sandwiches is enough to feed a sold-out Lambeau Field game, and still have some left over!
  • If you laid out 88,000 sandwiches end to end, it would equal 7 miles of PB&J sandwiches.
  • If you decided to stack those same sandwiches on top of each other, it would be 1.38 miles (7290 feet) high. Which, by the way, is more than 5 Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other!

Thank you for your generous support!

We are so thankful for your help “spreading the love” through our PB&J Drive. Your ongoing generosity and financial support to The Family helps make programs like this possible.

Ansay & Associates

A special thanks to Ansay & Associates for sponsoring The Family’s PB&J Drive!

Thanks to Woodman’s in Appleton, Green Bay & Altoona for sponsoring local area drives and hosting drop off sites.

And thanks to Piggly Wiggly (Howards Grove, Mosinee, Nekoosa, Plymouth, Sheboygan and Waupaca) for hosting drop off boxes.

Recipients of The Family’s PB&J Drive

Donations in The Family listening communities helped fill the shelves of Paul’s Pantry (Green Bay), Sheboygan County Food Bank (Sheboygan), Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin (Appleton), Feed My People Food Bank (Eau Claire), and The Neighbors’ Place (Wausau).

The Family’s 2023 Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive Tops $665,000!

Help For the Homeless Hygiene Drive

Save the date! The 2024 Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive is scheduled for February 11- March 3, 2024.

The Family’s Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive celebrates another a record-breaking year! Over $665,000 worth of new hygiene and cleaning supplies now stock the shelves of 101 crisis programs in19 communities across Wisconsin.

The Family wants to say a special thanks to the 927 businesses, churches, and schools who hosted collection boxes and donated products to help their local crisis programs.

Since 1992, The Family’s Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive has provided more than $5.4 million dollars’ worth of hygiene and cleaning supplies for local Wisconsin crisis programs and the people they serve.

The goal of the Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive is to supply one years’ worth of products to each of the participating programs, with donations remaining in the communities where they are collected.

THANK YOU to everyone who supported the 2022 Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive. We couldn’t do it without YOU!