Weekdays 12-3 pm, Saturdays 12-3 pm
“Live simply, love abundantly. Be the special person God created you to be!”
I love being part of God’s work in your life through The Family! I try to live my life on and off the air with authenticity. Trying to be anything but who God created me to be is exhausting!
I gave my life to Jesus at 4 years old and began leading our church’s worship in third grade. I was an active part of worship teams until a few years ago when I started having vocal issues due to thyroid cancer. One of my vocal chords was damaged during surgery and I’m deeply thankful that even if I can’t hit those high notes anymore, I can still use my voice to sprinkle a little encouragement and hope into your Middays!
I try hard to celebrate the simple, small ordinary moments of life each day. It helps me remain focused on Jesus and all He has given me in this life!
Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite Bible verses, it reminds me that God is always working things out for His glory in my life, even in the hardest seasons. And I’ve gone through A LOT of hard seasons!
I love being outdoors in God’s beautiful creation, writing on my blog, doing graphic design, and spending time in the kitchen baking and drinking good coffee. Family board game nights, coffee with friends, Hallmark movie binges, reading, thrifting and boutique shopping are some of my faves too!
Fun(ny) fact: I once flunked out of a craft store crochet class. Did you know that was possible? Me neither!