The 2023 PB&J Drive results are in…
The Family wrapped up it’s first annual PB&J Drive. Thanks to your generous support over 6,000 pounds of peanut butter and jelly was collected to help families in need!
Fun Facts
- 6,000 pounds = 3 tons of peanut butter & jelly. That’s A LOT of sandwiches!
- In fact, that’s enough to make over 88,000 PB&J sandwiches.
- 88,000 sandwiches is enough to feed a sold-out Lambeau Field game, and still have some left over!
- If you laid out 88,000 sandwiches end to end, it would equal 7 miles of PB&J sandwiches.
- If you decided to stack those same sandwiches on top of each other, it would be 1.38 miles (7290 feet) high. Which, by the way, is more than 5 Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other!

Thank you for your generous support!
We are so thankful for your help “spreading the love” through our PB&J Drive. Your ongoing generosity and financial support to The Family helps make programs like this possible.

A special thanks to Ansay & Associates for sponsoring The Family’s PB&J Drive!
Thanks to Woodman’s in Appleton, Green Bay & Altoona for sponsoring local area drives and hosting drop off sites.
And thanks to Piggly Wiggly (Howards Grove, Mosinee, Nekoosa, Plymouth, Sheboygan and Waupaca) for hosting drop off boxes.
Recipients of The Family’s PB&J Drive
Donations in The Family listening communities helped fill the shelves of Paul’s Pantry (Green Bay), Sheboygan County Food Bank (Sheboygan), Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin (Appleton), Feed My People Food Bank (Eau Claire), and The Neighbors’ Place (Wausau).